Tiny Childrens Bedroom Ideas
Tiny Childrens Bedroom Ideas
Nick Pope
Houseplants shouldn't just be limited to the living room. When it comes to kids' bedrooms, choose plants that 'have something quirky about them, even verging on the macabre,' Ian Drummond and Kara O'Reilly suggest in their book, At Home With Plants . 'A good approach is to choose plants that can be dotted in among their books and bits and pieces.'
And of course, 'choose varieties that can take a fair bit of neglect,' they advise. With this in mind, take a look at 12 plants ideal for children's spaces – bedroom, playroom or study room – in this extract from At Home With Plants.
Gerbera jamesonii
Common name: Barberton daisy
Light: Good light
Care: Keep moist while in bloom; can dry out slightly afterwards
Tips: Remove dead flowers to encourage blooming for as long as possible.
Codiaeum variegatum
Common name: Croton/ Joseph's coat
Light: Good light
Care: Keep slightly moist
Tips: Prune top when plant becomes tall, and root like a stem tip cutting.
Dionaea muscipula
Common name: Venus fly trap
Light: Good light; avoid direct sun
Care: Keep moist, but don't over-water
Tips: Use distilled water; ideal for terrariums.
Echeveria elegans
Common name: Mexican gem
Light: Bright light
Care: Keep slightly moist
Tips: Cut off the offshoots and propagate them to prevent the pot from becoming overcrowded.
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
Common name: Flaming Katy
Light: Place in good light, but not in direct sunlight
Care: Water only when compost is dry
Tips: Pinch off blooms after the flowers fade to preserve look of the plant.
Common name: Living stone
Light: Good light
Care: Water lightly in spring and autumn
Tips: Keep dry in summer and winter to follow natural growth cycle.
Maranta leuconeura
Common name: Prayer plant
Light: Moderate light
Care: Enjoys high humidity; keep compost moist
Tips: Trim back to keep shape and promote new growth.
Philodendron xanadu
Common name: None
Light: Moderate light
Care: Allow to dry out between waterings
Tips: Tuck aerial roots back into the pot.
Schlumbergera truncata
Common name: Christmas cactus
Light: Place in indirect light
Care: Needs well-drained compost; tolerates high humidity
Tips: Avoid over-watering, under-watering or other stress to prevent flowers from dropping.
Tillandsia cyanea
Common name: Pink quill
Light: Bright light
Care: Spray twice weekly; keep moist
Tips: Keep cool in winter to encourage spring blooms.
Tradescantia fluminensis
Common name: Wandering Jew
Light: Bright to moderate light
Care: Water thoroughly; allow surface of compost to dry out between waterings
Tips: Small pink flowers appear in spring.
Vanda orchid
Common name: None
Light: Good light; avoid direct sun
Care: Tolerates high humidity; mist daily
Tips: Avoid roots becoming soggy.
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Source: https://www.housebeautiful.com/uk/garden/plants/g151/best-plants-kids-bedrooms/
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